Sunday, October 26, 2008

Romance Novels pointing in the right direction

romance novels

Award Winner Author Mary Katherine Arensberg was grown up in countryside Ohio in United States of America. Her debut Romance Novel, Willa won the first award in the novel category of the Arizona Press Women’s 2008 Communicator’s contest.

The Romance Novel has also received the subsequent reward in the 2008 National Federation of Press Women’s Competition.

I started inscribing with the thought of publishing in 1993. I have always aspired to be an author in the university and was motivated by several of my trainers, but as frequently, life gets in the way.

I started inscribing my first romance novel, Willa, and I had discovered that I had leap of narratives which tucked away in my mind. Once the narrative was finished I had asked my companion for the feedback. After reading the complete anecdote my companion has personally treasured it and had a great deal of admiration for my work.

With that information I could create a chronicle which was liked by the populace. I hunted for the agent. I verified the manuscripts from the library on the agents. Selected one and send those initial 50 pages for the approval. I received a mimeographed refutation memo with every article checked as to why my work was awful. Truly I had recognized that I had to learn about publishing business as well as the art of writing romance novels. What do you think? Please write your comments.

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